Urban Sketching

Publications and Books

Urban Sketchers produce an online Magazine every month.

Drawing Attention online magazine

Drawing Attention uses the ISSUU platform to publish articles and news about the organisation, articles from chapters around the world and features about sketching

There are many web and social media pages offering information and showing work from Urban Sketchers. Following blogs, facebook pages and Instagram accounts from chapters and sketchers provides a regular view of work by others.


There are now many books on the subject of Urban sketching, some offer practical directions on methods and media, others are mainly examples of work by others.

book cover by Stephanie Bower

Stephanie Bower

USK London have produced a book to celebrate their ten year anniversary. It contains images of works by sketchers with information about the various locations.

book cover by London Urban Sketchers

For general reading there are lots of practical Art books and publications on sketching. A broad approach will help to give you more insight into different methods and approaches.

Urban Sketching is about your view and your signature.

Show the world, one drawing at a time