Urban Sketching


The idea Gabi created grew rapidly. Social media formats, the ubiquity of the internet, digital photography, cheap scanning, and later, mobile phones, made gathering images simple. Faster connection, wifi and broadband allowed higher quality images to be distributed with ease. The Urban Sketchers community found technology assisting its fortunes.

Urban Sketching rapidly turned into an international activity. Freedom to share images and ideas on the web simply ignored borders, instant translation forged new friendships and overcame differences, illuminating the interests and environments of many nations.

Link to the location of chapters throughout the world

Map of European chapters

Our London chapter has just celebrated its tenth anniversary.

"Seeing the world
one drawing at a time"
Drawing of TowerBridge

Drawing of Tower Bridge by Juan Antonio Lopez.

Drawing of pre-Dawn Seattle

Drawing of pre-Dawn Seattle by Tina Koyama.