Urban Sketching


The major annual event, organised through the parent body, is the international symposium. Our most recent was the very successful meeting of hundreds of sketchers in Amsterdam. There were demonstrations, talks, sketch walks and classes, and lots of opportunities for social gatherings, usually involving food and drink. Not necessarily in that order.

2020/21 created a hiatus. Obviously our local meetings in London were abandoned during lockdown. This enforced pause in activity meant we had no symposiums for a couple of years, but locally in London, continuity was maintained with a set list of titles that members were encouraged to make drawings from.

During this time, I used the Street Scene feature on Google Maps to provide subjects, managing some good results, despite the elevated viewpoint of the camera.

This year the symposium will be in Aukland New Zealand.

The group from the UK in Amsterdam.

"We show the world one drawing at a time"
Friends drawing in Amsterdam

Friends drawing in Cafe Blue in Amsterdam.

drawing of Amsterdam

Drawing of Amsterdam from Cafe Blue

Symposium logo for Aukland, New Zealand