Urban Sketching

Urban Sketchers UK

Sketchers at USK Stoke in 2019

Local symposiums are a feature of the national scene. An annual event is organised by one of the UK chapters and are well attended, offering sketch crawls, classes and events of various kinds. These are organised and run by local volunteers and usually last for a long weekend.

These are a great opportunity to forge links and see work from people you might not be familiar with or connect with people whose work you’ve seen. There are plenty of opportunities for social activities other than sketching, and for exploring new locations at the host venue. Sponsors may be involved and sample packs are often donated for distribution by the host chapter.

The UK symposium had an enforced break during the pandemic 2020/21. The Yorkshire chapter were all set to host the event at Leeds in 2020 but it had to be held over until 2022, when it was deemed safe to gather in numbers.

This was a very successful event with participants from all over the UK and some from other countries. Leeds is a interesting and lively city with many great locations for drawing. These include the University Campus, The Royal Armouries, with it's huge tiger hunting scene with full size elephant. The Civic Quarter and Millenium Square, with its sculptural elliptical resource tower, and Granary Wharf, an area of new and re-developed buildings beside the river Aire and Leeds and Liverpool canal

"Our drawings tell the story of our surroundings, the places we live"
Drawing from Millenium Square,Leeds

Elliptical resource tower on the corner of
Millenium Square, Leeds.

USK Leeds logo
